by Kevin
The Minister, Hon. Janat Mukwaya with the Chairperson and Members of the Commission

The Minister of Gender, Labour and Social Development Hon. Janat Mukwaya has implored women to plan and have children they can take care of in order to enable them get access to basic education, amenities and easily access health services like immunization.

Speaking during her maiden visit to EOC offices in Bugolobi, she said the current resource envelope is not enough to ensure distribution of quality service delivery to all Ugandans.

She encouraged staff to work hard and applauded them for their high levels of education being commiserate to the work of the Commission. She challenged staff to work harder since they are still youthful and ensure their families do not get affected by the vice of parents’ addiction to social media.

The Minister advised all staff to get spouses and settle into marriage because families are basic units to everyone. “For those who are married, stick in there, educate your children and do not let them face the wrath of separation because they are victims of circumstances. They did not choose you, and do not deserve to suffer broken relationships.” She said that a law to compel careless parents who neglect their children is soon to be passed.

She called for management to introduce a reward system so that staff are motivated and thanked all staff for their tireless efforts in working towards the country’s attainment of middle-income status.

The Chairperson, Mrs. Sylvia Muwebwa Ntambi handing over the EOC calendar to the Minister.
The Chairperson, Mrs. Sylvia Muwebwa Ntambi handing over the EOC calendar to the Minister.

The Chairperson, Mrs. Sylvia Muwebwa Ntambi expressed gratitude to the Minister for the initiative she took in coming to visit EOC. She called upon staff to heed to the advice received from the minister and requested them to introduce themselves to her.

During his closing remarks, the Secretary to the Commission, Mr. Lawrence Mpitsi Pac Mujuni commended staff for the hard work and pledged that as the Commission’s technical staff, efforts would be tripled in redressing imbalance and ensuring equal opportunities for all.

The minister with EOC Members and staff in a group photo

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