by Kevin

The Equal Opportunities Commission launched its 5th annual report on compliance of The National Budget Framework Paper and Sector Budget Framework Papers with Gender and equity requirements For the Financial 2019/2020. This was during a breakfast Meeting held at Imperial Royal Hotel, Kampala on January 22nd, 2019.

The report provides the level of compliance with gender and equity requirements for the National Framework Papers for the FY 2019/2020 consolidated using the 18 sector BFPs for the FY 2019/2019 and in accordance with schedule 3 of the Public Management Act, 2015 (PFMA). This report  also provides specific measures taken by sectors to equalise opportunities for women, men, persons with disabilities, residents of hard to reach areas, the poor and other marginalised groups in Uganda.

The Launch was attended by several representatives of the Government departments, ministries and Agencies, Civil society Organisations and the guest of Honour was Hon. Matia Kasaija, the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development.

In his welcome remarks, the Secretary to the Commission, Mr. Mujuni Pac Lawrence welcomed the guests  to the Breakfast Meeting and thanked them for their commitment to the Commission programmes as its celebrates its success.  ‘’Elimination of discrimination and inequalities is a customised mandate of the commission. We cannot fully realise this dream without you’’. He said.

Mrs. Sylvia Muwebwa Ntambi, the Chairperson to the Commission, was grateful to the different stakeholders of the Commission who supported the success of the assessment. ‘’ The report focus is on gender and equity thus the commission makes assessments for the marginalised groups of people as per the Government plans and budgets for the different categorised groups of people in response to what the government plans and budgets indicate. 18 sectors have been assessed as per the Public finance Management Act and Equal Opportunities Act’’ she said.  She thanked the Minister of Finance, Planning and Economic Development for his endless support to the Commission and requested him to lender more support in terms of funding the commission activities so that its mandate can be enhanced.

Hon. Matia Kasaija who launched the report was very grateful to the Commission for its continued efforts in fighting discrimination and marginalisation in Uganda. He noted that as Uganda fights to attain its dreams of the Vision 2040, gender inclusion is very key towards that success. ‘’Government is very keen and has special interest in supporting the Commission bring fairness and Justice in society to all people of Uganda. I am sad whenever I read about cases of discrimination and marginalisation of our people whom we can’t live without in all that we do as government. I urge the Commission to continue with its great work and also put more emphasis on sensitisation so that our people can be supported’’. He said.

The overall NBFP (FY 2019/2020-2023/2024) compliance was at 61%. In this report it was realised that out of 18 sector BFPs, 17 passed the assessment (50% Minimum).The Scores as per sector include: Agriculture 64.3%; Accountability 63%; Legislature 68%; Public Administration sector 53.3%; Justice, Law and order 70.3%, security 55%; Works and Transport 50%; ICT 56.7%; Trade and industry 56%; Education 75%; Health 70.7%; Energy and Mineral development 60%; Water and environment 62.7%; social Development 78%; Public Sector Management 59%; science, Technology and innovation 50.5% and Tourism 54.7%. Important to note is that the sector BFP for Land, Housing and Urban Development was below the minimum with 32%.

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