The validation of the draft assessment tools and Gender and Equity workshop was held at Fairway Hotel on Wednesday 12th July, 2017. It was attended by representatives from different agencies which included UK AID, EOC, MoFPED, SURGE and other MDAs
Remarks were made by Mubarak Mabuya from SURGE, Julius Kamya representing the Secretary EOC and Sylvia Muwebwa Ntambi (Mrs), Chairperson EOC.
Discussions included sector challenges, observations and amendments of the current BFPs and MPS
Participants engaged in Capacity enhancement between MDA’s, formed working groups and presented ways forward based on their discussions.
- BFP Assessment tool sub section numbering should correspond with structure of the BFP.
- Past performance and medium-term plans should correspond with BFP section 2.
- Clarify assessor roles.
- MPS should correspond numbering.
- Propose modifications to assessment tool for defined sources and sub-section.
- Identify additional source of information required for example Gender and Equity specific, budget utilization.
Presentation from Mr. Mubarak Mabuya from SURGE