Pursuant to Section 24 (2) and (3) of the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) Act, 2007, I have the pleasure to present the 8th Annual Report on the State of Equal Opportunities in Uganda. The 1995 Constitution of the Republic of Uganda (as amended) mandates the Government to take the necessary measures to eliminate all forms of discrimination and inequalities to realize inclusive growth and sustainable development. Accordingly, EOC was established under Article 32 to effect the State’s constitutional mandate to eliminate discrimination and inequalities against any individual or group of persons.
Uganda’s National Development Plan (NDP III) Goal is to increase household incomes and improve the quality of life of Ugandans through sustainable industrialization for inclusive growth, employment and wealth creation. Realization of the NDP III Goal calls for observance of equal opportunities for all, in the development and implementation of programs, policies, and legislation. Uganda is committed to achieving the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. In this regard, the Equal Opportunities commission plays a critical role in ensuring that the annual report on the state of equal opportunities in Uganda is one of the avenues through which EOC highlights issues hindering the realization of equal opportunities for all that the lives of the vulnerable at the local government level are transformed, as seen in this report.
Promoting equal opportunities for all and the elimination of all forms of discrimination and inequalities is critical to addressing Uganda’s development concerns, especially for the vulnerable groups. According to the Uganda National Population and Housing Census Report of 2014, females constitute 51% of the population, children 55% Youth 22.5%, older persons 3.7%, persons with disabilities 12.4% and ethnic minorities 1.4%. These categories constitute over 80 per cent of the Country’s total population; therefore, dedicating efforts to realize their full potential is instrumental in achieving Uganda’s development targets and the Sustainable Development Goals.
The 8th Annual Report is structured in three parts: Part 1 consists of four chapters, namely: the general introduction; achievements of the EOC in redressing imbalances; and performance of Ministries, Departments, Agencies and Local Governments in Gender and Equity responsive Planning and Budgeting for the FY 2020/2021; Part II consists of five chapters, three-chapters are sector-specific, i.e. health with a focus on WASH, energy with a focus on rural electrification and education with a focus on BTVET and employment. The other chapters present findings on how specific vulnerable and marginalized groups have accessed social services and Part III presents the merging issues, conclusion and recommendations. The Commission calls upon actors responsible for the thematic areas of focus to implement the recommendations in order to eliminate marginalisation and inequalities cited in the report.
The Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC) is committed to working with all State and Non-State actors to redress imbalances highlighted in this report and promote equal opportunities for all to realise a just and fair society wherein all persons have equal opportunities to participate and benefit from all spheres of life.
Hon. Safia Nalule Juuko